Wednesday 16 March 2016

How to convert a negative number to positive Number in PHP

How to convert a negative number to positive Number in PHP

Question: How to convert a negative number to positive Number in PHP?
$converToPostive= abs(-10.2); // 10.2 
$converToPostive=abs(10.2);   //10.2

(If number is already POSITIVE, It will remain the POSITIVE)

Question: How to convert a Positive Number to Negative Number in PHP?
$converToNegative =-1 * abs(10.2); //-10.2
$converToNegative =-1 * abs(-10.2); //-10.2

(If number is already NEGATIVE, It will remain the NEGATIVE)

Question: How to convert a negative number to positive Number and Vice Versa?
echo -1 * -10.2 //10.2
echo -1 * 10.2; //-10.2

(If number is NEGATIVE then convert to POSITIVE else if number is POSITIVE then convert to NEGATIVE)

Question: How to remove the decimal part from number?
$noArray = explode('.',$no);
$no=$noArray[0]; //10

$noArray = explode('.',$no);
echo $no=$noArray[0]; //-10

(just Remove the decimal part)

Question: How to get next highest integer value by rounding up?
echo ceil(10.2);    // 11
echo ceil(10.2222);  // 11
echo ceil(-10.22);  // -10
(Remove the decimal part and get next Highest Integer number)

Question: How to get next lowest integer value by rounding down?
echo floor(10.2);    // 11
echo floor(10.2222);  // 11
echo floor(-10.22);  // -10
(Remove the decimal part and get next lowest Integer number)

Question: How to rounding off a number?
echo round(10.4);  // 10
echo round(10.5);  // -11
echo round(10.6);  // -12
(Just rounding off the number)