Showing posts with label Difference between. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Difference between. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Difference between channel and playlist on youtube

Difference between channel and playlist on youtube

A channel is your identity on YouTube, like your name, where your upload videos.
A channel  is the home page for an your youtube account.

Question: What details are available on Channel page?
--- Basic information like Your Name, Account type etc.
--- Your public videos which you have uploaded.
--- Listing of playlist.

Question: What we can do on Channel page?
--- Update your information. --- upload videos.
--- customize the color theme of your channel.
--- Others can subscribe your channel.

Question: Sample of Youtbe Channel?

Question: What is playlist?
A playlist is a collection of videos you may saved.

Question: List of Playlist (After Login on with your account)

Create a New Playlist (After Login on youtube)
Click on "New Playlist", an popup will prompt, just add the your playlist name

Question: How to add videos in playlist?
Go to playlist page (Like
Click on "Add Videos" (Middle Right side).
An Popup will prompt.
Just add the YouTube video URL (Any video which you like) and follow Steps.

Question: What you can do with your playlist?
--- Make the playlist as public/private.
--- Add notes to each videos.
--- Re-ordering the videos.
--- AutoPlay on/off for videos.
--- Share your playlist on Fb.
--- Embed your playlist videos in your website/blog.

Question: Need Playlist Sample URL

Question: Can we earn money with playlist?
No, You can't earn money on other's video (Uploaded by other).
You can earn money with your own videos (uploaded by you)

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Comparison between MySQL and MongoDB

Comparison between MySQL and MongoDB

Features MySQL MongoDB

Type of Database? Relational Database Document-oriented database
Initial release 23 May 1995 13 October 2015
Current Stable Version 5.7.18 / 10 April 2017 3.4.5 / 14 June 2017
Written in C/C++ C/C++, JavaScript
Open Source Yes Yes
License GPL (version 2) or proprietary GNU AGPL v3.0 (drivers: Apache license)
Offical Website
How stored Data In Structed, data is stored in tables. Unstructed, data is stored in Collection in JSON Format.
Terminology Table
Embedded documents, linking
Normalization used to minimize data redundancy Normalization is obsolete for MongoDB
Get data from two different tables Joins are used References are used
Transactions vs Atomic Updates MySQL Support No supported
How to get data SQL Query is used you need to used functions with parameter
Security MySQL uses privilege-based security model. MongoDB security features include authentication, authorization and auditing
Select Query
 WHERE name LIKE "%Web%";
db.books.find({"name": { 
"$regex":  "Web" }});
Insertion Query
INSERT INTO users (user_id, age, status) 
VALUES ("100", 20, "Active")
db.users.insert({  user_id: "100",
age: 20,  status: "Active"})
Update Query
UPDATE users SET status = "Active" 
WHERE age > 25
db.users.update( {
age: { $gt: 25 } }, { $set: { 
status: "Active" } }, { multi: true }
Insert data Speed Normall Much Faster as compare to MySQL
Best Database for Very-2 Heavy Site Not MongoDB is better
DBA Required Yes, For better performance Not required
Rich Data Model No Yes
Dyamic Schema No Yes
Typed Data Yes Yes
Data Locality No Yes
Field Updates Yes Yes
Easy for Programmers No Yes
Complex Transactions Yes No
Auditing Yes Yes
Auto-Sharding No Yes

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?

What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?

$(document).ready(function() {
 /** Add your code here **/

/** Add your code here **/

 console.log("HTML Document is fully load. HTML, javaScript and CSS is fully loaded.");

JavaScript code written inside $(document).ready will be called when HTML Document is fully loaded. It means JavaScript code will be called just after HTML, JavaScript & CSS is fully loaded.

$(window).load(function() { 
 /** Add your code here **/

/** Add your code here **/

 console.log("Web page fully Loaded. HTML, Javascript, CSS, Images, Iframes and objects are fully loaded.");

JavaScript code written inside $(window).load will be called when Web page fully Loaded. It means JavaScript code will be called just after HTML, Javascript, CSS, Images, Iframes and objects are fully loaded.

Following document ready have same meaning and work as same.


$(document).on('ready', function(){

Monday, 1 June 2015

Differences between Stored Procedures and Functions in MYSQL

Differences between Stored Procedures and Functions in MYSQL

  1. Stored Procedure can return zero or n values whereas function can return one value which is mandatory.
  2. Functions can be called from procedure whereas procedures cannot be called from function.
  3. Procedures can have input/output parameters for it whereas functions can have only input parameters.
  4. Procedure allows select as well as DML statement in it whereas function allows only select statement in it.
  5. Exception can be handled by try-catch block in a procedure whereas try-catch block cannot be used in a function.
  6. We can go for transaction management in procedure whereas we can't go in function.
  7. Procedures can not be utilized in a select statement whereas function can be embedded in a select statement.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Difference between MVC and MVP design pattern

Difference between MVC and MVP design pattern

MVC and MVP both are design pattern and used to do development the project.

1 Full form is Model View Controller Full form is Model View Presenter
2 MVC is Front Controller based approach. MVP is Page Controller based approach
3 When request comes, Controller interact with Model (and get data) and then send the data to view. When request comes, View interact with Presenter (presenter interact with model for get data and do format) and presenter sent back the data to view.
4 Controller is responsible for displaying the view and controller can change the view also. Controller does not exist.
View is more loosely coupled to the model. The presenter is responsible for binding the model to the view.
5 View can interact with model directly. View can't interact with model directly. View must use presenter to interact with Model.
6 Limited Support Unit Testing Highly Support Unit Testing
7. It is design pattern used to separate the view from model. Advance form of MVC.
8. Following are working:
Model View Controller

Following are working:

Model View Presenter