Tuesday 2 December 2014

PHP mktime() Function - Get Unix timestamp for a date

int mktime ([ int $hour = date("H") [, int $minute = date("i") [, int $second = date("s") [, int $month = date("n") [, int $day = date("j") [, int $year = date("Y") [, int $is_dst = -1 ]]]]]]] )
Get Unix timestamp for a date
Returns the Unix timestamp corresponding to the arguments given. This timestamp is a long integer containing the number of seconds between the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) and the time specified.

<?php// Set the default timezone to use. Available as of PHP 5.1date_default_timezone_set('UTC');// Prints: July 1, 2000 is on a Saturdayecho "July 1, 2000 is on a " date("l"mktime(000712000));// Prints something like: 2006-04-05T01:02:03+00:00echo date('c'mktime(123452006));?>

5.3.0 mktime() now throws E_DEPRECATED notice if the is_dst parameter is used. 5.1.0 The is_dst parameter became deprecated. Made the function return FALSE on error, instead of -1. Fixed the function to accept the year, month and day to be all passed as zero. 5.1.0 When called with no arguments, mktime() throws E_STRICT notice. Use the time() function instead. 5.1.0 Now issues the E_STRICT and E_NOTICE time zone errors.



hourOptional. Specifies the hour
minuteOptional. Specifies the minute
secondOptional. Specifies the second
monthOptional. Specifies the month
dayOptional. Specifies the day
yearOptional. Specifies the year
is_dstOptional. Set this parameter to 1 if the time is during daylight savings time (DST), 0 if it is not, or -1 (the default) if it is unknown. If it's unknown, PHP tries to find out itself (which may cause unexpected results).