Showing posts with label MYSQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MYSQL. Show all posts

Thursday 12 October 2017

What is Mysql

What is Mysql?
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is a combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured Query Language.
Today, Its most widely used in Web Development.

What are Client programs?
Communicating with the server to manipulate information.The following list of client programs:
  • MySQL Query Browser and MySQL Administrator.
  • All mysql is a command-line program.

What are three layer of Mysql Architecture?
Following are 3 layer of Mysql Architecture
  1. Application Layer: It represents the interface for all type of users, The user who is interacting with databases.
    • Sophisticated User
    • Specialized User
    • Naive User
    • Database Administrators
  2. Logical Layer: Core functionality of RDBMS is represented in the logical layer.
  3. Physical Layer: It is responsible for the storage of variety of information and that are following.
    • Data Files: It store user data
    • Data dictionaryr: store metadata about the structure of the database.
    • Statistical Data: Statistical information about the data
    • Log Information: Keep the track of query information.

Question: In which language it was written?

Question: What is current Stable Version ?
5.7.21 / 15 January 2018;

Question: How to change the collation of column, table and database?

Tuesday 25 July 2017

MySQL User defined variables and System variables defined variables

MySQL User defined  variables and System variables

Question: What are User-Defined Variables in MySQL?
User-Defined variables are variable that defined by user as per there need. Once they exit from the console, will be removed automatically.

Question: How to set User-Defined Variables in MySQL?
set @name="this is new variable";

Question: How to get User-Defined Variables in MySQL?
select @name;

Question: Can we define multiple variable in single line?
Yes, We can.
set @num1=10, @num2=20, @num3=30;

Question: Can we do arithmetic operators on variable?
Yes, we can do.
select @num1+@num2+@num3; //60
select @num1+@num2+@num3; //6000

Question: Is user defined variable are permanent?
No, It will be removed once close the session.

Question: Can we use user variable with Query?
Yes, If you have defined in same session, then you can use.

Question: What are System Variables?
System Variables explains how your MySQL server are configured and you can change as per your requirement.

Question: How to get the value from system variable?
select @@max_connections; //100

Question: How to update the value from system variable globally?
set @@global.max_connections=200;

set GLOBAL @@max_connections=200;

Thursday 5 January 2017

What is Stored Procedure in MySQL?

What is Stored Procedure in MySQL?

Question: What is Stored Procedure?
A Stored procedure is program in a regular computing language, stored in database. It have has a name, a parameter list, and SQL statement(s).

Question: What is the purpose of stored procedure?
A stored procedure is used to retrieve data, modify data, and delete data in database table.

Question: What is Syntax for creating stored procedure?
    PROCEDURE `dbName`.`storedProcedureName`()


Question: Create simple stored procedure?
    /*[DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]*/
    PROCEDURE `dbname`.`helloArun`() 
SELECT id,user_nickname,user_email FROM `cmf_users` WHERE user_email="";   

Question: How to call stored procedure?
call helloArun();

Question: How to list stored procedure?

Question: How to delete stored procedure?
DROP PROCEDURE storedProcedureName

Question: How to delete stored procedure If Exist?

Question: Create simple stored procedure with argument?
    PROCEDURE `dbname`.`helloArun2`(
  IN email VARCHAR(255)    
 SELECT id,user_nickname,user_email FROM `cmf_users` WHERE user_email=email;      


Question: How to call stored procedure with parameter?
call helloArun2('');

Question: How to list of stored PROCEDURE?

Question: How to remove stored PROCEDURE?
DROP PROCEDURE storedProcedureName

Question: How to remove stored PROCEDURE if exist?

Monday 22 February 2016

MySQL Query Optimization Tips and Techniques

MySQL Query Optimization Tips and Techniques

  1. Choosing Which Version of MySQL
  2. Don't join extra tables in MySQL Query.
  3. Only get N records which are going to used. Don't get extra records from table which you are not using.
  4. Don't fetch extra column from table which are not in use.
  5. Don't add spam records in tables
  6. Don't get it overload any table like 1GB Size, In this case shift data to another table.
  7. Get the understanding of normalization.
  8. Use Explain/DESCRIBE to know about table structure and Query. For Example:
  9. DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username='web-tech' 
  10. Partition your table (MySQL 5.1). Paritioning is a technique for splitting a large table into several smaller ones by a specific (aggregate) key.
  11. Partition can be achieve in three way 1. RANGE, HASH and List/Key.
  12. Build your indexes to match the queries running. For Example:
    ALTER TABLE `users` ADD INDEX `profile_id` (`profile_id`)
    Know about MySQL Indexing
  13. Use concatination indexing, if required (When searching like below).
    SELECT * FROM table_name  WHERE field_name1='text1' AND field_name2='text2';
  14. No indexing on column which not used in search.
  15. Sometime you need to use OPTIMIZE Table. For Example:
    OPTIMIZE TABLE `users`
    Used for defragment tables and update the InnoDB fulltext index
  16. Full Text Search can be used, if required.

Thursday 18 February 2016

How can I make SQL Query case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?

How can I make SQL Query case sensitive string comparison on MySQL

In Websites we display the data which fetch from database using string based conditions.
Login Feature / Change password Featured based on string based conditions.
Show the user detils behalf on user slug like ""

If you want to make your SQL Query as case sensitive, We have following 3 ways.

  1. Do at MySQL Server Level
    Set Following in /etc/mysql/my.cnf (Works for >MySQL 5.5 only)
  2. Set the column as Case sensitive,For Example
    ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL;
  3. Set the Query as case sensitive, For Example
    SELECT *  FROM `users` WHERE BINARY `name` = 'raJ'