Thursday 18 February 2016

How can I make SQL Query case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?

How can I make SQL Query case sensitive string comparison on MySQL

In Websites we display the data which fetch from database using string based conditions.
Login Feature / Change password Featured based on string based conditions.
Show the user detils behalf on user slug like ""

If you want to make your SQL Query as case sensitive, We have following 3 ways.

  1. Do at MySQL Server Level
    Set Following in /etc/mysql/my.cnf (Works for >MySQL 5.5 only)
  2. Set the column as Case sensitive,For Example
    ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL;
  3. Set the Query as case sensitive, For Example
    SELECT *  FROM `users` WHERE BINARY `name` = 'raJ'