Showing posts with label ExpressJs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ExpressJs. Show all posts

Thursday 29 June 2017

How to upload file/images using nodejs?

How to upload file using nodejs?

I am assuming you already have install NodeJS in your System, Just follow below simple steps

Install below module ?
npm install express
npm install fs
npm install body-parser
npm install multer

HTML Part?
Create a file upload.html and add below code in file.

        <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="uploadForm" method="POST" onsubmit="return uploadForm()">
Upload File: <input name="file" size="50" type="file" />
            <br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />

Node JS Code create upload.js file and add below code.
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var fs = require("fs");

var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var multer  = require('multer');

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
var upload = multer({ dest: './tmp' });

app.get('/upload.html', function (req, res) {
   res.sendFile( __dirname + "/" + "upload.html" );
})'/file_upload', upload.single('file'), function (req, res) {
   var file = __dirname + "/public/upload/" + req.file.originalname;
   fs.readFile( req.file.path, function (err, data) {
      fs.writeFile(file, data, function (err) {
         if( err ){
            console.log( err );
               response = {
                  message:'File uploaded successfully',
         console.log( response );
         res.end( JSON.stringify( response ) );

var server = app.listen(8081, function () {
   var host = server.address().address
   var port = server.address().port
   console.log("Example app listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)

Question: Following are sample of file object in ?
 { fieldname: 'file',
  originalname: 'Desert.jpg',
  encoding: '7bit',
  mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
  destination: './tmp',
  filename: '3570feafa527690b90b972a1bf085bdd',
  path: 'tmp\\3570feafa527690b90b972a1bf085bdd',
  size: 845941 }

Create following empty folder?

Now Start the Node project?
node upload.js

Access the Web URL?

Select the File and click on Upload File?
It will show below simiar message
{"message":"File uploaded successfully","filename":"Desert.jpg"}
Question: What port we have used here?
We have used 8081 port, but you can change it by change in upload.js

Thursday 22 June 2017

Express JS - use res.sendFile - use EJS template - Set and Get Session data

setup of EJS template in Express? Get/Set session in Express? How to setup static path in Express

Question: What is res.sendFile() in NodeJS?
It is a simple way to deliver an HTML file to the client.

Example of sendFile
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/index.html'));

Question: How to use EJS in Express?
Install the EJS
npm install ejs --save  

Set the Engine as EJS in node server
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');  

render file from node server
app.get('/', function(req, res) {  
  res.render('index', { title: 'The index page!' })

Use the parameter in File
<%= title %>

Question: How to Get/Set session in Express?
install session
npm instal express-session --save
Initiaization the session
var session = require('express-session');
    secret: 'SECRETKEY',
    name: 'SESSION NAME',
    proxy: true,
    resave: true,
    saveUninitialized: true
Set the Session
var sessionData
app.get('/set-the-session', function(req, res) {    
    sessionData = req.session;
    var userDetails = {}    

    //set the session
    sessionData.isLogin = 1; =; =;
Get the Session
app.get('/get-session', function(req, res) {    
    sessionData = req.session;
    userDetails.isLogin = sessionData.isLogin; =; =;

Question: How to setup static path in Express?
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

create file in : images/kitten.jpg, Now you can access

Question: Session is not working with ajax call
When running in browser, session is working fine.
When running with ajax call, session is not working

You need to add xhrFields: {: true},in ajax request.
For Example:
    type: "GET",
    url: "getphotoaccess?uid=7177",            
    dataType: "json",    
    xhrFields: {
            withCredentials: true
    success: function(resData){


Thursday 8 June 2017

How to Create RESTful APIs in Node Js using Express JS and MongoDB

How to Create RESTful APIs in Node Js using Express JS and MongoDB

Question: What is RESTful APIs?
Full form of REST is Representational State Transfer. It is web standards architecture used to create an API.

Question: What type of request handled by RESTful APIs?
HTTP requests

Question: How to create an API?
  1. Create a folder with name of api in your node project, and  create three folder inside this. i.e controllers, models and routes.
  2. Create 3 empty files in each folder i.e todoListController.js, todoListModel.js and todoListRoutes.js
  3. Now, Folder Structure will be as below:
  4. -api
  5. Add Following script in each empty file: todoListController.js
    var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
            Task = mongoose.model('Tasks');
    /* List all todoList*/
    exports.list_all_tasks = function(req, res) {
        Task.find({}, function(err, task) {
            if (err)
    /* List all todoList*/
    exports.create_a_task = function(req, res) {
        var saveData = {} =;
        saveData.status = req.body.status;
        var new_task = new Task(saveData);, task) {
            if (err)
    /* Get a todo list details*/
    exports.read_a_task = function(req, res) {
        Task.findById(req.params.taskId, function(err, task) {
            if (err)
    /* UPdate a toto data*/
    exports.update_a_task = function(req, res) {
        Task.findOneAndUpdate(req.params.taskId, req.body, {new : true}, function(err, task) {
            if (err)
    exports.delete_a_task = function(req, res) {
            _id: req.params.taskId
        }, function(err, task) {
            if (err)
            res.json({message: 'Task successfully deleted'});

    var mongoose = require('mongoose');
    var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
    var TaskSchema = new Schema({
        name: {
            type: String,
            Required: 'Kindly enter the name of the task'
        Created_date: {
            type: Date,
        status: {
            type: [{
                    type: String,
                    enum: ['pending', 'ongoing', 'completed']
            default: ['ongoing']
    module.exports = mongoose.model('Tasks', TaskSchema);

    module.exports = function(app) {
        var todoList = require('../controllers/todoListController');
        // todoList Routes

  6. Create a myapp.js empty file in project folder and add following script code.
    var express = require('express'),
    app = express(),
    port = process.env.PORT || 3000,
    mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    Task = require('./api/models/todoListModel'),
    bodyParser = require('body-parser');
    mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));
    var routes = require('./api/routes/todoListRoutes');
    console.log('RESTful API server started: ' + port+' PORT');
  7. Now you need install following modules
    npm install express
    npm install mongoose
    npm install body-parser
  8. Now run following command, to test the APIs
    node myapp.js

Question: Provide Create Task API
URL: http://localhost:3000/tasks
Method: POST
Request Data:
"name":"I need to go for walk",

Question: Provide List All records API
URL: http://localhost:3000/tasks
Method: POST
Response Data:
[{"_id":"5937ff6a5fc96f1c1492877f","name":"I will go for walk daily.","__v":0,"status":["ongoing"],"Created_date":"2017-06-07T13:28:10.608Z"},{"_id":"593803fb5fc96f1c14928782","name":"Get up early in the morning","__v":0,"status":["ongoing"],"Created_date":"2017-06-07T13:47:39.246Z"}]

Question: Provide Update Records
URL: http://localhost:3000/tasks/5938d8e86d3e500cd8da6a12
Method: POST
Request Data:
  "name": "I goes on walk daily.", 

Question: Provide Get Records:
URL: http://localhost:3000/tasks/5938d8e86d3e500cd8da6a12
Method: POST
Response Data:
{"_id":"5938d8e86d3e500cd8da6a12","name":"Arun kumar Gupta","__v":0,"status":["ongoing"],"Created_date":"2017-06-08T04:56:08.156Z"}

Question: Provide Delete Records
URL: http://localhost:3000/tasks/5938d8e86d3e500cd8da6a12
Method: DELETE
Response Data:
  "message": "Task successfully deleted"

Tuesday 6 June 2017

How to use cookies with expressJS in node.js

How to use cookies with expressJS in node.js

Question: What is cookies in NodeJS?
Cookies is a node.js module for getting and setting HTTP(S) cookies.

Question: How to install cookies?
npm install cookie-parser       

Question: How to setup cookie with expressJS?
var express = require('express');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

var app = express();

Question: What are the feature of cookie?
  1. Lazy: Since cookie verification against multiple keys could be expensive, So cookies are verified lazily.
  2. Secure: All cookies are httponly by default and cookies sent over SSL are secure by default.
  3. Unobtrusive: Signed cookies are stored the same way as unsigned cookies, instead of in an obfuscated signing format.
  4. Agnostic: This library is optimized for use with Keygrip, but does not require it.

Question: How to set cookies?
app.get('/set-cook', function(req, res) {
       //Set the cookie
      var c_name='cookie_name';        
      res.cookie(c_name, 'cookie value');
      //Send Response
      res.send('cookie value');
Note above wll work with expressJs only.
Question: How to get cookies?
app.get('/get-cook', function(req, res) {        
    //Get cookie name
      var cookieValue=req.cookies.cookie_name; 

      //Send Response
      res.send('Cookie name is '+cookieValue);
Note above wll work with expressJs only.

Question: How to delete cookies?
app.get('/delete-cook', function(req, res) {        

    //Delete the cookie

      //Send Response
      res.send('Cookie name is '+cookieValue);
Note above wll work with expressJs only.

Question: How to set expiration time for cookie?
res.cookie(name , 'value', {expire : new Date() + 600}); //10 minutes

res.cookie(name , 'value', {expire : new Date() + 3600}); //1 hour

res.cookie(name , 'value', {expire : new Date() + 18000}); //5 hour

Question: What are HTTP cookies?
HTTP cookies are small pieces of data that are sent from a website and stored in your browser. With use of cookies we maintain the login and track the user activities. Cookies are very valuable to better user experience. Following are the three main use of cookies.
  1. Session management
  2. Personalization
  3. Track the user activites

Question: Why we must use Cookie-Free Domains for static contents?
Cookies are very useful in website. But while access static contents of website like CSS, image and JS then there is no use of cookie. Means while Browser is accessing the static file, Server should send the static content without use of cookie. It will improve the website performance.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Express js Interview questions and answers

Express js Interview questions and answers

Question: How to install express js in node?
use following command to install express js.
npm install express

Question: How to use express js in node?
use require to include express module.
var app = require('express')();

Question: How to use handle get request in express Js?
/*Include require module*/
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a GET request for the homepage"); //Shown in console
   res.send('This is GET Method for Homepage'); //Display as response

/*Start listing 8080 port*/
http.listen('8080', function() {
    console.log('listening on *:8080');

Question: How to use handle post request in express Js?
/*Include require module*/
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);'/user_list', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a POST request for the user_list URL"); //Shown in console
   res.send('This is POST Method for user_list URL');//Display as response

/*Start listing 8080 port*/
http.listen('8080', function() {
    console.log('listening on *:8080');

Question: How to use handle GET/POST request for same URL expressJs?
/*Include require module*/
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);

//This is POST Request'/add_user', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a POST request for the add_user URL"); //Shown in console
   res.send('This is POST Method for add_user URL');//Display as response

//This is Get Request
app.get('/user_list', function (req, res) {
   console.log("Got a GET request for the user_list URL"); //Shown in console
   res.send('This is GET Method for user_list URL');//Display as response

/*Start listing 8080 port*/
http.listen('8080', function() {
    console.log('listening on *:8080');

Question: How to use handle GET request for all URL start with ab* ?
app.get('/ab*', function(req, res) {   
   console.log("Got a GET request for /ab*");
   res.send('Page Regex Match');
Question: How to send Server call in Node?
Install the "request" module with following command.
npm install request

Include the request module in page, and send the request to server.
request = require('request');
request( "", function(err, res, body) {                    

Question: How to post data and get in express Js?

<form action="" method="GET">
Name: <input name="name" type="text" />  <br />
Email: <input name="email" type="text" />
         Phone: <input name="phone" type="text" />
         <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Express JS Code
app.get('/register', function (req, res) {   
   response = {,

Question: How to get cookie in Express js?
Install the "cookie-parser" module with following command.
npm install cookie-parser

Include the cookie-parser, in node.
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
   console.log("Cookies: ", req.cookies)

Question: How Static Files works in Express js?
Static files are images/videos/css/js etc.
For this, first you need to set the folder path using "express.static" method. See Example
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
   res.send('Hello ');
var server = app.listen(8081, function () {
   var host = server.address().address
   var port = server.address().port

Question: How to upload images in Express js?

<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
<input name="file" size="50" type="file" />         
         <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

ExpressJS Code
var fs = require("fs");
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var fs = require("fs");'/file_upload', function (req, res) {
   var destinationFile = __dirname + "/images/" +;
   fs.readFile( req.files.file.path, function (err, data) {
      fs.writeFile(destinationFile, data, function (err) {
         if( err ){
            console.log( err );
               response = {
                  message:'File uploaded successfully in '+destinationFile,
         //console.log( response );
         res.end( JSON.stringify( response ) );

Question: What are different methods in REST API?
  1. GET : Used to read.
  2. POST: Used to update.
  3. PUT: Used to create.
  4. DELETE: Used to delete

Question: How to setup the images and access them?
Add Following code in my server.js (OR main file).
Now, you can add images in public folder and can access like below:

Question: How to do increment the value by 1?
 User.update({id: 100}, {$inc: { views: 1 }}).limit(1).exec();

Question: How to do decrement the value by 1?
 User.update({id: 100}, {$inc: { views: -1 }}).limit(1).exec();