Wednesday 23 April 2014

Google Dynamic Charts - Bar Pie and Line Chart - code snippets

One image express thousand words, that's why we use images in our daily life, Personal & professional.
Reading full report is a difficult task and need hours to understand, but we get the chart of that report Its easy and need only few minutes to understand. That's why we use chart in our professional life.

Chart can have different types and each have its own quality. For Example
Pie Chart: It display percentage values as a slice of a pie.
Bar Chart: It display with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically OR horizontally.
line chart is a two-dimensional scatterplot of ordered observations where the observations are connected.

Google Create different types of chart on the fly. No installtion and no code download is required. Just pass all parameter and your desired chart is ready.

Its very quick. see below few examples. you will understand how Google make easy. 
Pie chart
Pie chart Example
<img alt="Pie chart Example" src=";chd=t:30,20,50&amp;cht=p3&amp;chl=Arun|Kuldeep|Ajit" title="Pie chart Example" />

Bar Chart

Bar chart Example
<img alt="Bar chart Example" src=";cht=bvs&amp;chd=t:_,30,-30,50,80,200&amp;chxt=y" title="Bar chart Example" />

Line Chart

Line chart Example
<img alt="Line chart Example" src=",s,FFFFFF00&amp;chxl=1:|16%2F04%2F2014|18%2F04%2F2014|20%2F04%2F2014|




" title="Line chart Example" />