Thursday 8 August 2013

GitHub in window 7 | GitHub Commands in Linux

GitHub in window 7 | GitHub Commands in Linux

Setup the GitHub in window machine. GitHub is most widely used repositary in development. Get to know commands to work with github.

Create repository in github
Login to your github account, If not have account please register first.
After login to your github account, Click on "Create new Repo" Icon @top right in header to create new repo.
Add "Repository name" and Description of your new repository.
Public Repository is free and private is paid. so let start with free(public repo)
After clicking on "Create repository", your repository will create.
Save the URL of your repo, It will be similar to ""

Download the console for github
ate/delete files in repo
After download, Install it and Run the "Git Bash"

All command must be executed in sample folder.

Add a file in github through console(First Time)
Open "Git Bash"
Go to folder/directory where you want to keep your files @local system using "Cd" command.
Create a folder and go inside that folder
add a sample file in that folder from UI
execute following commands one by one and add your github username/password they they prompt (In Last)

git init
git add test.php
git config --global "Arun"
git config --global ""
git commit -m "test file"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Add a new file in github
add a new file in folder (suppose file name is "arun1.php")
Execute following commands one by one
git add arun1.php
git commit -m "test file arun1.php"
git push -u origin master

Update a file in the github
Change one file and save
Execute the following commands one by one
git add *
git commit -m "updated file"
git push -u origin master

Delete a file
git rm arun1.php
git commit -m "deleted file"
git push -u origin master