Showing posts with label API. Show all posts
Showing posts with label API. Show all posts

Monday 13 June 2016

Google Custom Search API

Google Custom Search API

Custom Search API lets you pro grammatically used to custom search engines for your site(s), you can search text OR images.


Question: What is SEARCH_TEXT?
It is search text which user want to search like "php", "interview questions", "web technology experts" etc.

Question: How to get SEARCH_ENGINE_ID?
  • Login to your gmail account
  • Create a new "Search Engine" or Us Existing one
  • Go to "Search Engine" from listing "Search Engine Listing"
  • Enable the "Image search"
  • Search "Sites to search" and select "Search on Entire Web"
  • Get the Search Engine ID, My search engine id is "0150557dddd364721200:zrndkpkfwyga"

Question: How to get YOUR_API_KEY?
If you don't have API_KEY, please get the API Key from .
You must need google account.

Question: How to extract data from custom search with text PHP?

    echo $jsonData=file_get_contents($url);die;
    $searchData = json_decode($jsonData);
}  catch (Exception $e){
    echo $e->getMessage();
    foreach($searchData->items as $item){        
        echo $text = $item->title;        
        echo "\n";


PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PHP 5 Tutorial
PHP | Codecademy
PHP Tutorial
PHP For Windows: Binaries and sources Releases
PHP: The Right Way
Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana, Inc. (PHPNI)
Newest 'php' Questions - Stack Overflow
PHP Programming - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Question: What is URL of Google Explorer API ?

Question: Give me example of Full data return by API in JSON Format?

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Server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers \nwith a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites: native APIs ...", "htmlSnippet": "3 days ago \u003cb\u003e...\u003c/b\u003e Server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers \u003cbr\u003e\nwith a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites: native APIs ...", "cacheId": "s9KZuwBTtSkJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\", "pagemap": { "cse_thumbnail": [ { "width": "81", "height": "77", "src": "" } ], "metatags": [ { "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" } ], "cse_image": [ { "src": "" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also \nused as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by ...", "htmlSnippet": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also \u003cbr\u003e\nused as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by ...", "cacheId": "qU2AN8Gt0LkJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e", "pagemap": { "cse_thumbnail": [ { "width": "160", "height": "80", "src": "" } ], "metatags": [ { "referrer": "origin-when-cross-origin" } ], "cse_image": [ { "src": ",_text_only.svg/200px-PHP_Logo,_text_only.svg.png" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP 5 Tutorial", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e 5 Tutorial", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and \n... At W3Schools you will find complete references of all PHP functions:.", "htmlSnippet": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and \u003cbr\u003e\n... At W3Schools you will find complete references of all \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e functions:.", "cacheId": "8VKxSW_v5GEJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\u003e/", "pagemap": { "metatags": [ { "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP | Codecademy", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e | Codecademy", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "Learn to program in PHP, a widespread language that powers sites like \nFacebook.", "htmlSnippet": "Learn to program in \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e, a widespread language that powers sites like \u003cbr\u003e\nFacebook.", "cacheId": "KACW1XKkN38J", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\u003e", "pagemap": { "metatags": [ { "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", "csrf-param": "authenticity_token", "csrf-token": "yCGsG/vOZD+nnEe9mhqr3+gC4Ibrdi/K8dTzrbbbxpk=", "fb:app_id": "212500508799908", "og:url": "", "og:site_name": "Codecademy", "og:type": "article", "og:title": "PHP", "og:description": "Learn to program in PHP, a widespread language that powers sites like Facebook." } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP Tutorial", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e Tutorial", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "PHP Tutorial for Beginners - A simple and short PHP tutorial and complete \nreference manual for all built-in PHP functions. This tutorial is designed for \nbeginners ...", "htmlSnippet": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e Tutorial for Beginners - A simple and short \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e tutorial and complete \u003cbr\u003e\nreference manual for all built-in \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e functions. This tutorial is designed for \u003cbr\u003e\nbeginners ...", "cacheId": "pZNex8X8UWIJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\u003e/", "pagemap": { "cse_thumbnail": [ { "width": "204", "height": "155", "src": "" } ], "metatags": [ { "viewport": "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=yes", "og:locale": "en_US", "og:type": "website", "fb:app_id": "471319149685276", "og:site_name": "", "apple-mobile-web-app-capable": "yes", "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style": "black", "author": "" } ], "cse_image": [ { "src": "" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP For Windows: Binaries and sources Releases", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e For Windows: Binaries and sources Releases", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "This site is dedicated to supporting PHP on Microsoft Windows. It also supports \nports of ... PHP 7.1. 7.1 has no release. PHP 7.0 (7.0.7). Download source code ...", "htmlSnippet": "This site is dedicated to supporting \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e on Microsoft Windows. It also supports \u003cbr\u003e\nports of ... \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e 7.1. 7.1 has no release. \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e 7.0 (7.0.7). Download source code ...", "cacheId": "LZ-At1_VxXEJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "windows.\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\" }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP: The Right Way", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e: The Right Way", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "4 days ago ... An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding \nstandards, and links to authoritative PHP tutorials around the Web.", "htmlSnippet": "4 days ago \u003cb\u003e...\u003c/b\u003e An easy-to-read, quick reference for \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e best practices, accepted coding \u003cbr\u003e\nstandards, and links to authoritative \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e tutorials around the Web.", "cacheId": "SkEDu_-C2_YJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "www.\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\", "pagemap": { "metatags": [ { "og:image:url": "", "og:image:width": "1024", "og:image:height": "640", "og:title": "PHP: The Right Way", "og:description": "An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative PHP tutorials around the Web", "og:url": "", "og:site_name": "PHP: The Right Way", "og:type": "website", "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana, Inc. (PHPNI)", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePhysicians Health Plan\u003c/b\u003e of Northern Indiana, Inc. (PHPNI)", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "We care about your healthcare needs. PHP understands the business of \nhealthcare and knows how important good health is to the quality of life. Our staff \nof ...", "htmlSnippet": "We care about your healthcare needs. \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e understands the business of \u003cbr\u003e\nhealthcare and knows how important good health is to the quality of life. Our staff \u003cbr\u003e\nof ...", "cacheId": "kgzNo6SonKwJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "www.\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\", "pagemap": { "cse_thumbnail": [ { "width": "182", "height": "143", "src": "" } ], "cse_image": [ { "src": "" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "Newest 'php' Questions - Stack Overflow", "htmlTitle": "Newest '\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\u003e' Questions - Stack Overflow", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "I'm having a bad brain fart... Ok, so i'm looking for a simple php script that will look \nthrough my database for a username and echo a column. The column I want ...", "htmlSnippet": "I'm having a bad brain fart... Ok, so i'm looking for a simple \u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\u003e script that will look \u003cbr\u003e\nthrough my database for a username and echo a column. The column I want ...", "cacheId": "4h3qSIyRzagJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ephp\u003c/b\u003e", "pagemap": { "cse_thumbnail": [ { "width": "225", "height": "225", "src": "" } ], "qapage": [ { "image": "", "primaryimageofpage": "", "title": "Newest 'php' Questions", "name": "Newest 'php' Questions", "description": "Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers" } ], "metatags": [ { "twitter:card": "summary", "twitter:domain": "", "og:type": "website", "og:image": "", "twitter:title": "Newest 'php' Questions", "twitter:description": "Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers", "og:url": "" } ], "cse_image": [ { "src": "" } ] } }, { "kind": "customsearch#result", "title": "PHP Programming - Wikibooks, open books for an open world", "htmlTitle": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e Programming - Wikibooks, open books for an open world", "link": "", "displayLink": "", "snippet": "A wikibook about programming in PHP. Also provides external links for more \ninformation.", "htmlSnippet": "A wikibook about programming in \u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e. Also provides external links for more \u003cbr\u003e\ninformation.", "cacheId": "eY2r0GBtEgkJ", "formattedUrl": "", "htmlFormattedUrl": "\u003cb\u003ePHP\u003c/b\u003e_Programming", "pagemap": { "cse_thumbnail": [ { "width": "183", "height": "275", "src": "" } ], "metatags": [ { "referrer": "origin-when-cross-origin" } ], "cse_image": [ { "src": "" } ] } } ] } 

Thursday 17 March 2016

How to post raw data using CURL in PHP?

How to post raw data using CURL in PHP

Question: How to POST data using CURL in PHP?
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            "" );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     '{"2016-3-18":[],"2016-03-19":[["15:00","19:00"]],"2016-3-18":[],"2016-3-19":[],"2016-3-20":[],"2016-3-21":[],"2016-3-22":[],"2016-3-23":[],"2016-3-24":[],"2016-3-25":[],"2016-3-26":[],"2016-3-27":[],"2016-3-28":[],"2016-3-29":[],"2016-3-30":[],"2016-3-31":[],"2016-4-1":[],"2016-4-2":[],"2016-4-3":[],"2016-4-4":[],"2016-4-5":[],"2016-4-6":[],"2016-4-7":[],"2016-4-8":[],"2016-4-9":[],"2016-4-10":[],"2016-4-11":[],"2016-4-12":[]}' ); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,     array('Content-Type: text/plain')); 
echo $result=curl_exec ($ch);

Question: How to read Raw data with PHP?
     $rawData= file_get_contents('php://input');
     /** Use the rawData **/

     /** Use the rawData **/

Friday 8 May 2015

Youtube v3 API Sample API Requests and Response - Search Videos - Get Video Details

Youtube v3 API Sample API Requests and Response - Search Videos - Get Video Details

For youtube v3 API, you must need an API_KEY for video search, get video details, upload video and delete video etc.
In each request, you need to pass the APK_KEY to get the records, If you didn't pass the API_KEY, you will not get the response from youtube api.

In Youtube V2 API_KEY is not required, but its is compulsary for youtube V3 API.
google has stopped the youtube v2 API so you must use V3 API.

If you don't have API_KEY, please get the API Key from .
You must need google account for youtube v3 API.
Youtube v3 API Sample API Requests and Response - Search Video List - Get Video Details

Now, I am assuming you have valid API_KEY. if you have added referer while creating API, then you can use API_KEY for that domain only. Yeah you can add multiple domain for 1 key.
Suppose we have following API_KEY.

Also you must enable the "YouTube Data API" from google console for the same key.

Get List of youtube Videos (By Default It will gives 4 videos)

Get List of youtube videos (Search 40 videos)

Get List of youtube videos (Search 40 videos + having keyword "sports" )

Get List of youtube videos( Search with 100km of 37.42307,-122.08427(lat/long)

Get List of youtube videos (search videos which are tags with sports [videoCategoryId=17])

Response Format:
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Get Youtube Videos by Channel
Response Format:
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Get youtube video Detail
To get the youtube video detail, you must have an valid youtube video.,statistics&key=AIzaSyBqXp0Uo2ktJcMRpL_ZwF5inLTWZfsCYqY
Response Format:
{"kind":"youtube#videoListResponse","etag":"\"tbWC5XrSXxe1WOAx6MK9z4hHSU8/5O69VO4RLDboG2ONvOiRwnoX77I\"","pageInfo":{"totalResults":1,"resultsPerPage":1},"items":[{"kind":"youtube#video","etag":"\"tbWC5XrSXxe1WOAx6MK9z4hHSU8/7xlJyY3lj1NCugehSg-sBnEM0YQ\"","id":"a2RA0vsZXf8","snippet":{"publishedAt":"2010-11-21T04:52:18.000Z","channelId":"UCplkk3J5wrEl0TNrthHjq4Q","title":"\"Just A Dream\" by Nelly - Sam Tsui & Christina Grimmie","description":"Check out our epic song with Coke Bottles!\n\nHope you guys like this duet between Christina Grimmie and Sam Tsui on \"Just A Dream\" originally by Nelly!\n\nAnd if you don't know Christina, definitely check out her stuff and subscribe to her, because she rocks!!\n\n\nShare this on Facebook!\n\nWe just opened an online store with shirts, cd's and other cool stuff here:\n\n\n\n--------------\n\nLinks\n\nKURT SCHNEIDER\nFacebook-\nTwitter-\n\nSAM TSUI\nFacebook-\nTwitter-\n\n---------------\n\n'Just A Dream' (originally Performed By Nelly)\nWritten By: Cornell Haynes, Frank Romano, Jim Jonsin, James Scheffer, Richard Butler\nPublished By: Universal Music Publishing / EMI Music Publishing / Reach Global Inc.","thumbnails":{"default":{"url":"","width":120,"height":90},"medium":{"url":"","width":320,"height":180},"high":{"url":"","width":480,"height":360},"standard":{"url":"","width":640,"height":480},"maxres":{"url":"","width":1280,"height":720}},"channelTitle":"Kurt Hugo Schneider","categoryId":"10","liveBroadcastContent":"none","localized":{"title":"\"Just A Dream\" by Nelly - Sam Tsui & Christina Grimmie","description":"Check out our epic song with Coke Bottles!\n\nHope you guys like this duet between Christina Grimmie and Sam Tsui on \"Just A Dream\" originally by Nelly!\n\nAnd if you don't know Christina, definitely check out her stuff and subscribe to her, because she rocks!!\n\n\nShare this on Facebook!\n\nWe just opened an online store with shirts, cd's and other cool stuff here:\n\n\n\n--------------\n\nLinks\n\nKURT SCHNEIDER\nFacebook-\nTwitter-\n\nSAM TSUI\nFacebook-\nTwitter-\n\n---------------\n\n'Just A Dream' (originally Performed By Nelly)\nWritten By: Cornell Haynes, Frank Romano, Jim Jonsin, James Scheffer, Richard Butler\nPublished By: Universal Music Publishing / EMI Music Publishing / Reach Global Inc."}},"statistics":{"viewCount":"96352554","likeCount":"804825","dislikeCount":"8957","favoriteCount":"0","commentCount":"132350"}}]}

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Google trends api php - How to get hot trends

Google trends api php - How to get hot trends

Google Trends is a public web facility of Google Inc., based on Google Search, that shows how often a particular search-term is entered relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages. 

Use following code to get the hot trends from google.
try {            
            $client = new Zend_Http_Client($url);
            $response = $client->request('GET');
            $jsonData = ($response->getBody());
            echo 'Google Trends';            
            preg_match_all('/(.*)<\/a>/', $jsonData, $trends);
            /** preg_match_all('/(.*)<\/a>/', $jsonData, $trends);**/
             foreach($trends[0] as $trend) {
                echo "{$trend}";

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Error' . $e->getMessage();

Saturday 25 October 2014

How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube

How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube

How to get youtube video thumbnail
1. First Get the Video URL (Video URL is like
2. Get the youtube video Id from Video URL (Video id is like J0Qu6eyyr4c)
3. Now video thumbnail is ready.

Small Video Image
How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube 

Bigger Video Thumbnail
How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube

Large Video Thumbnail
How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube