Tuesday 25 August 2020

PHP Username Validation program


PHP Username Validation program

Creat function usernameValidation(str) take the str parameter being passed and determine if the string is a valid username according to the following rules:
  1. The username is between 4 and 25 characters.
  2. It must start with a letter.
  3. It can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
  4. It cannot end with an underscore character.
If the username is valid then your program should return the string true, otherwise return the string false

function usernameValidation($str) {
    $return = true;
    ////////////////// 4 to 25 character////////////
    if ($return) {
        if (!(strlen($str) >= 4 && strlen($str) <= 25)) {
            $return = false;
    ////////////////// 4 to 25 character////////////
    ////////////////// Must start with Number ////////////
    if ($return) {
        $asciiCode = ord($str[0]);
        if (!(($asciiCode >= 97 && $asciiCode <= 122) || ($asciiCode >= 65 && $asciiCode <= 90))) {
            $return = false;
    ////////////////// Must start with Number ////////////
    ///////////// It can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character.///////////
    if ($return) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
            $asciiCode = ord($str[$i]);
            if (!( ($asciiCode >= 97 && $asciiCode <= 122) || ($asciiCode >= 65 && $asciiCode <= 90) || ($asciiCode >= 48 && $asciiCode <= 57) || ($asciiCode == 95))) {
                $return = false;
    ///////////// It can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character.///////////
    ///////////It cannot end with an underscore character.///////////
    if ($return) {
        $asciiCode = ord($str[$i - 1]);
        if ($asciiCode == 95) {
            $return = false;
    ///////////It cannot end with an underscore character.///////////
    return $return ? 'true' : 'false';