Monday 3 August 2020

log analyzer tool for linux - GoAccess

log analyzer tool for linux - GoAccess

Question: What is GoAccess in linux?
GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal.

Question: How GoAccess works?
It analyse the Log file (access.log) which is cotinue in writes by application.

Question: What are the benefits of GoAccess?
  1. Completely Real Time
  2. Nearly All Web Log Formats
  3. Track Application Response Time
  4. Incremental Log Processing
  5. Minimal configuration needed
  6. Visitors
  7. Color Scheme Customizable

Question: Does GoAccess is available for GUI?
Yes, You can watch in Terminal and GUI.

How to install GoAccess in Server?
git clone
cd goaccess
autoreconf -fi
./configure --enable-geoip --enable-utf8

How to run GoAccess to check the analytics?
goaccess access.log -c

How to check the analytics in HTML page?
goaccess access.log -o report.html --log-format=COMBINED

Now run,

How to check the analytics in HTML page dynamically?
goaccess access.log -o /var/www/html/dynamic.html --log-format=COMBINED --real-time-html

Now run,

Question: Share the Offical website link?