Wednesday 1 April 2020

Laravel interview questions for 2 year experienced

Laravel interview questions for 2 year experienced

Question: How to get current route name and method name?
request()->route()->getName(); //Return route name
request()->route()->getActionMethod();//Return method name

Question: What do you mean by bundles?
Bundles are referred to as packages in Laravel. These packages are used to increase the functionality of Laravel.

Question: Explain important directories used in a common Laravel application.?
App/ : This is a source folder where our application code lives. All controllers, policies, and models are in this folder.
Config/ : Here are configuration files.
Database/: Houses the database files, including migrations, seeds, and test factories.
Public/: Publicly accessible folder holding compiled assets and of course an index.php file.

Question: Explain reverse routing in Laravel.
Reverse routing is a method of generating URL based on symbol or name. It makes your Laravel application flexible.

Question: Define Lumen?
Lumen framework is a smaller, and faster, version of a building Laravel based services, and REST API's.

Question: How can you generate URLs?
Laravel has helpers to generate URLs.

Question: Explain faker in Laravel?
It is a type of module or packages which are used to create fake data. This data can be used for testing purpose.

Question: List basic concepts in Laravel?
  1. Routing
  2. Eloquent ORM
  3. Middleware
  4. Security
  5. Caching
  6. Blade Templating

Question: What is Eloquent?
Eloquent is an ORM used in Laravel. It provides simple active record implementation working with the database.

Question: What is the use of DB facade?
DB facade is used to run SQL queries like create, select, update, insert, and delete.

Question: What is a session in Laravel?
Session is used to pass user information from one web page to another.
Support for cookie, array, file, Memcached, and Redis to handle session data.

Question: Explain to listeners?
Listeners are used to handling events and exceptions.

Question: What are policies classes?
Policies classes include authorization logic of Laravel application.

Question: What is an Observer? Observeris used to make clusters of event listeners for a model.
Method names of these classes depict the Eloquent event. Observers classes methods receive the model as an argument.

Question: What is the use of the bootstrap directory?
It is used to initialize a Laravel project. This bootstrap directory contains app.php file.

Question: Where will you define Laravel's Facades?
In Illuminate\Support\Facades namespace.

Question: Name databases supported by Laravel.
  1. MySQL
  2. SQLite
  3. SQL Server
  4. PostgreSQL

Question: What is the default session timeout duration?
2 hours.

Question: How to remove a complied class file?
Use clear-compiled command.

Question: In which folder robot.txt is placed?
Robot.txt file is placed in Public directory.

Laravel interview questions for 1 year experience

Laravel interview questions for 1 year experience

Question: How to make a helper file in laravel?
  1. Please create a app/helpers.php file in app folder.
  2. Add Following in in autoload variable.
    "files": [
  3. Now update your composer.json
    composer update

Question: How to use mail() in laravel?
Mail::send('emails.reminder', ['user' => $user], function ($m) use ($user) {
    $m->from('', 'Send Name');
    $m->to('', 'Receiver Name')->subject('Your Reminder!');

Question: What is a REPL?
REPL is a type of interactive shell that takes in single user inputs, process them, and returns the result to the client. The full form of REPL is Read—Eval—Print—Loop

Question: How to use update query in Laravel?
Use Update function. for example
Blog::where(['id' => 10023])->update([
   'title' => 'Interview Questions',
   'content’ => 'Web Technology exerts notes'

Question: How to use multiple OR condition in Laravel Query?
Blog::where(['id' => 10023])->orWhere(['username’ => 'username12'])->update(['title' => 'Interview Questions',]);

Question: What are different type of where Clauses in Laravel?
  1. where()
  2. orWhere()
  3. whereBetween()
  4. orWhereBetween()
  5. whereNotBetween()
  6. orWhereNotBetween()
  7. wherein()
  8. whereNotIn()
  9. orWhereIn()
  10. orWhereNotIn()
  11. whereNull()
  12. whereNotNull()
  13. orWhereNull()
  14. orWhereNotNull()
  15. whereDate()
  16. whereMonth()
  17. whereDay()
  18. whereYear()
  19. whereTime()
  20. whereColumn()
  21. orWhereColumn()
  22. whereExists()

Question: What is updateOrInsert method? Give example?
updateOrInsert() method is used to update an existing record in the database if matching the condition or create if no matching record exists.
   'title' => 'Interview Questions',   

Question: How to check table is exists or not in our database using Laravel?
if(Schema::hasTable('users')) {
    echo "Table Exists";
} else {
    echo "Table does not exists"

Question: How to check column is exists or not in a table using Laravel?
if(Schema::hasColumn('users', 'title')) ; //check whether admin table has username column
   echo "Column Exists in table";
    echo "Column does not Exists in table";

Question: What are the difference between insert() and insertGetId() in laravel?
Inserts(): This method is used for insert records into the database table.
insertGetId(): This method is used for insert records into the database table and return the autoincrement-id.

Question: What is lumen?
Lumen is a PHP framework which is a faster, smaller and leaner version of a full web application framework.

Question: What is the full form of ORM in Laravel?
Object Relational Mapping.

Question: How to get current route name and method name?
request()->route()->getName(); //Return route name
request()->route()->getActionMethod();//Return method name

Question: How to check Ajax request in Laravel?
You can use the following syntax to check ajax request in laravel.
if ($request->ajax()) {
     echo "This is ajax requrest";

Question: What do you mean by bundles? In Laravel, bundles are referred to as packages.
These packages are used to increase the functionality of Laravel.
A package can have views, configuration, migrations, routes, and tasks.

Question: Name databases supported by Laravel.

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. SQL Server
  3. SQLite
  4. MySQL